
The parishioners of St. Mary Magdalene contribute to the well-being of the community at large, working both as individual volunteers in many organizations, and as a dedicated community of faith.

For Babies to Teens:

STMM provides the reading room for County Kids Read in the basement of the Parish Hall.  Headed by Anne Preston under the auspices of the PEC Arts Council, what began as a place to store and sort books developed into a purpose-renovated reading room where children come to hear stories and choose their own books to keep and take home. 

STMM provides funding each year for one month of operating expenses for the Youth Centre, as well as supporting the lunch program at the ROC.  The ROC aims to support young people in The County with a range of programs as well as the Youth Centre in Picton.

STMM was happy to offer financial support for the Library’s new children’s section.  This opportunity blends very well with STMM’s commitment to County Kids Read, providing opportunities for the County's primary aged children. 

Parishioners are actively supporting families who are resettling in the county, and are in need of new supplies for their homes as well as personal items.  These are donated throughout the year, and delivered to AFW at regular intervals.  The church also supplies space for AFW to offer classes and workshops for their families.  At Christmas, the parishioners donate gifts for the children.

Seniors and Advent Gift Program:

The three Anglican churches in The County, St. Mary Magdalene, St. Philip’s and St. Andrew’s, work together under the leadership of our Deacon Rev. Canon Fran Langlois, to provide ministry to residents in the nursing and retirement homes.  It is an experienced, compassionate and dedicated team, ministering to some of the most vulnerable members of our community.  Services are offered monthly in four of the long term care homes and two retirement homes in The County.  


Food security continues to be a problem in the County.  STMM delivers food donated by parishioners on a monthly basis, as well as cash donations to help support the valuable work of the Picton Foodbank.

Candle Ministry …. Reaching beyond our parish:

This began as a tradition in Odessa, Ukraine due to the citizens feeling beleaguered due to the Chernobyl disaster.  At a Russian Orthodox service in Odessa an elderly woman pressed 3 rubles into the hand of a visiting US minister.  She asked that he light a candle for peace upon his return home.  He and his congregation not only lit one candle, they lit 100 candles to continue spreading this light to the world.  In 19 years, 100 candles have also left STMM to help spread the message of peace throughout the world.  The candles are in the narthex by the Bell Tower.  There are also small leaflets with the universal prayer for peace which should accompany the candles as they leave the church.